I'm leaving on a jet plane
September 4, 2006
Plane taking off from O'hare International Airport sped up 4 times.
Notice how we go through 2 sets of clouds! Exciting!... maybe for those people who've never flown before :D
Notice how we go through 2 sets of clouds! Exciting!... maybe for those people who've never flown before :D
Posted by
1:30 AM
Sorry for the extended hiatus.
There's something about Canada that makes me so lazy...
BUT! as you can see I've been somewhat productive and changed the layout of the blog. If something's broken lemme know.
I'll resume posting about my travels soon but for now enjoy my drawings!
I've been playing brain age on the ds and one part tells you to draw various things like a koala, kangaroo and Australia from memory. This is what my drawings looked like... I like my dinosaur kangaroo.
The first time I played, it calculated my brain age as a 63 year old :(
Posted by
2:38 AM
I'm at Dokkyo University's computer lab right now writing this post.
All the computers are notebooks for some reason. I guess Dokkyo thinks it's too cool for desktops.
I haven't been updating much lately because the computer at the place I'm staying at sucks and takes forever to do the stupidest things.
10 minutes to open My Computer?! Fuck that! :P
Japan so far has been really awesome. Cool places, cool people. (Y)
(yoyoyooo woohoo Dokkyo rocks....I mean I ROCK<-fumimimuf)
ふみです。RichどんのBlogをジャック中。yay。むはははは(evil laugh)
I had lunch here and Fumi's been giving me the tour of the place. Apparently Fumi thinks it's really small.
I don't think it's that small...
My days here in Japan are numbered :(
I'm getting sad since I'm leaving so soon. poo.
I'll update everything that I did between then and now after I get back home.
One thing that I've taken for granted in Canada is my computer. I miss it :(
Fumi wants me to apply to a company in Japan so that I'll come back here. I'll see what's going on after I get home and see what's goin on...
So, until then.
Posted by
2:59 AM
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