Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Next Stop Japan! part 1

Sept 4 2006 12something am

Time to board the plane.
34E... 34E... 34... E... shit. Middle row, middle seat.
Oh well, I make the best of it and settle in. Each person has their own tv in the back of the chair in front of them :D
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Some chick sits next to me. Hello plane seat neighbour! She's talking in chinese on her cellphone and isn't as excited as myself about meeting her plane seat neighbour.

Before I get too settled in, a stewardess comes to our row with some dude and says that we're in the wrong seats.
I double check the number on the armrest: 34E. Safe.
The girl shows her ticket: 33D. Nice.
Her phone is ringing now and she has some fun ringtone going but she's too busy with changing seats to pick up/hang up. Hate to be in her shoes.

The stewardess asks to see my ticket. She says that they guy booked the flight with his family and that they were all supposed to be sitting in the same row.
Oh shit, am I dumb too? Did I read the wrong number?
It turns out we were both assigned to the same seat and since his whole family's in the row, I've gotta go.
Blood runs thicker than water.

The stewardess says she'll try to find another seat for me. I'm thinking "Yes! First Class! :D"
Apparently that only happens on tv and in movies.
While the stewardess was finding me a seat, a girl sitting next to an old asian guy decides to switch seats with on in the front. She left a window seat! :D She probably left because she thought the old man smelled.
The stewardess comes back and tells me she found another middle seat but with no plane seat neighbours. I'll take the window seat kthx.
The old man smells fine.

The old guy looks well old... He's wrapped in a plane blanket.
All I've seen him do so far was sleep, sneeze and eat.
Watching him eat, I realize how fragile life is... Scary. Carpe Diem!
He was also the last person on the plane to finish his food. He even outlasted me. The force is strong with this one.
Then I think about myself when I get old. Am I looking into a mirror of the future?

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I decide to fully enjoy my window seat.
We're flying over Regina and it's literally rectangle pieces of different coloured plots of land and a few dots where the "cities" are.
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Looking outside is fun. Real life googlemaps :D