Wine Gums

For some reason lately, I've been having cravings for wine gums. To my surprise, a lot of americans don't know what it is. The states don't have a lot of things... ketchup chips, smarties, aero bars, coffee crisp, milk bags... to name a few. So what I did was take some l33t pics of some wine gums I bought on the way home.
The crappy thing about wine gums is that, I think I'm the only one who eats them... Like seriously, 75% of the time you go to a convenience store to pick some up, they're all hard/old and seem like it's the first box of wine gums the store owner ever bought and it's never sold enough to warrant a refill.
I still buy the old/hard ones and eat them anyways.
Wine gums are chewy gummi circle things. They're pretty tough - you wouldn't be able to bite one in half without considerable effort. Actually let me try that right now......................... Okay I managed to do it, however if you're not prepared for the chewiness that is WINE GUMS then I don't think you'd be able to do it on the first bite alone. The hard old ones are even MORE tough than "fresh" ones... Sometimes your jaw gets tired just chewing those old ones but I still love them anyways.
So there you have it. Wine gums in all their gummi chewy sweet tasting awesomness!
this is AJ and AJ demands that you send her some of those wine gums now!
I know it's YOU KAREN!
Yeah, I've seen the wine gums that come in those bag package things and they're shaped like diamonds and stuff.
I prefer the original =D
We have smarties in the states... wine gums though, haven't heard of.
Are you talking about the sweet tart smarties? like these ones?
I think we call those "rockets" or something over here.
Our smarties are like m&ms
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