Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sleepless in Richmond Hill

I can't sleep right now so that means blog update!
Commence random mini updates!

More panoramic fun!

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This is the front entrance area of YorkU, otherwise known as "the commons". The far left is the beginning of the student center then starting from after that tree is York Lanes (our mini mall) then we have the commons and then those buildings on the right are like the art buildings... I don't really go there except to shortcut to another building on the other side.

Squashed Seagull
This is kinda gross but... meh. I was walking home one day and I saw this in the parking lot. You don't see this everyday. How did this happen! Birds can FLY! Did it die first and then get rolled over by a car? Or did a car get the jump on it and squash it before it could take off? Was it even a car that ran over it? It was uniformly the same thickness and I don't see tread marks... One of the many mysteries of the universe...
Also, you may be asking yourself "Who the hell takes pictures of squashed seagulls?"

Salt Lamp
I was playing around with my camera and took some pics of my salt lamp. The reason it's blue is because I had the camera set to negative, the original colour is orange.

Crazy Lights!
First pic was taken with a long exposure, walking and spinning around. I must have looked really stupid while taking this, good thing it was night and I don't think anyone saw me =D The rest were taken inside a car with the camera set to negative. The patterns are a combination of street lamps, street lights and car lights. They all came out pretty cool... Sorta like paintings. The first one looks like waves and the horizon. The second one looks like little guys doing jump kicks XD


Monday, November 21, 2005

The world keeps on turning

I think every year Canada has a "mystery" winter... sometimes we'll have a green christmas, sometimes we'll have a white christmas. Sometimes we'll have heavy snow, sometimes we'll have almost no snow at all. Sometimes it's so frigidly cold that you'd rather stab yourself in the eye with a spoon instead of have to go outside and sometimes it's quite pleasent outside.

This year it's snowed AND hailed already. I'm not sure what that means for the rest of the winter but I hope it's a good thing? @_@

Autumn and the beginning of the winter to come??

I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet
The snow's going sideways in the second pic because of the wind. That's always fun...

But whenever it gets really cold and I'm walking home and hating my life, I think of these guys:
They go without food and sunlight for like 3 months or something stupid like that. They don't even have coats! They're naked and it's like -40C outside. So whenever this winter gets bad for YOU think about emperor penguins and how bad THEY have it. Yeah... emperor penguinsss...

BUT the good thing about winter is that it's snowboarding season!
Going up the hill on the chair lift at Blue Mountain; Boards! left to right: Me, Teddy, Young

Last season was kinda crappy since the hills were all ice. I hope this year's season is better (Y)


Friday, November 18, 2005

Clips of the day

Mashup: Romance of the Jedi

Hilarious. I'd love to see someone mashup the whole movie into a romantic comedy.

Music Video: Wagon Christ "Shadows"

A totally awesome video for a totally awesome song. At first I didn't really like the video but after I saw it I was like... "yo man... that's deep"
Nicely done.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Visiting University of Toronto Part 2

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Here's a bigger version of the panoramic shot of that middle area of Hart House.

Makin our way out from that middle area of the Hart House. This stone wall thing had an explanation etched into it. I'm not sure why the U's look like V's... Maybe we didn't have the letter U back then *shrug*. We make our way to the art gallery!

I think this piece was called "Mon père" or "Father" in english. That guy's father looks a lot like Roark Jr./Yellow Bastard from Sin City.

Adam looking sad and tired. Here lies a broken man. I think YOU'RE the one that needs exercise! So sadness!

This was on the wall after we went down some stairs on our way to the GUN RANGE. We all thought it was rather interesting or freaky.

Various pictures hung on the corridor walls:
Close up of the statue in the middle area of Hart House; This is what pimps used to look like back in the day. Look at the wonderful mustache!; Training the Canadian army

The gun range!
I don't know too many universities that have a gun range. This is awesome.
These are the rules of the bench!; You shoot those things at the end; Different shell casings

That building is one big lecture hall. Seats about 2000 students. That's crazy. CN Tower on the left.

I stopped taking pictures after that. Various things happened and then we made our ways back home. The End.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Video of the day: HeMan & The Big Lebowski

This is hilarious.

Funny soundbites from the movie "The Big Lebowski" dubbed over a snippet of the "HeMan cartoon"

If you haven't seen the big lebowski, they use the F word a lot. And the F word makes everything funny!


Visiting University of Toronto Part 1

Went down to University of Toronto St George campus today with Adam and Mayu to sign up for the ski and snowboard club. We met up with one of Mayu's UofT friends, Mike, later on. If you don't know much about U of T, here's the lowdown. IT'S FUCKING HUGE! The "campus" is basically a whole chunk of downtown Toronto.

So we get to St George station and proceed to get lost. It's pretty sad when the locals are just as lost or even MORE lost than the foreigner. So sadness. We eventually find our way to Sidney Smith Hall to hand in our apps and pay our moneys. We later eat at some pizza place that gives you pretty much a quarter of a whole pizza for 4$. I was the only one who didn't finish :(

Then we got Mike to be our tour guide and show us around campus. First stop: Hart House.

On our way to Hart House, "the room of coat hangers", art piece that looked like a big ink blot

This is the special chair inside Hart House that distorts time and space. Adam phasing out of our time continuum, Mayu's leg phasing out of our time continuum

Interesting doorknob, middle area of Hart House (I'm not even sure where we are at this point), panoramic shot of middle area

Various other interesting things in the middle area

Too tired to upload the rest of the pics and blogger's acting gay right now. I'll upload the rest later.