Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane

September 4, 2006

Since I'm home, I can upload some videos I took.
Plane taking off from O'hare International Airport sped up 4 times.

Notice how we go through 2 sets of clouds! Exciting!... maybe for those people who've never flown before :D


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My brain age is 63

Sorry for the extended hiatus.
There's something about Canada that makes me so lazy...

BUT! as you can see I've been somewhat productive and changed the layout of the blog. If something's broken lemme know.

I'll resume posting about my travels soon but for now enjoy my drawings!

I've been playing brain age on the ds and one part tells you to draw various things like a koala, kangaroo and Australia from memory. This is what my drawings looked like... I like my dinosaur kangaroo.

The first time I played, it calculated my brain age as a 63 year old :(


Monday, October 02, 2006

Dokkyo University

I'm at Dokkyo University's computer lab right now writing this post.
All the computers are notebooks for some reason. I guess Dokkyo thinks it's too cool for desktops.

I haven't been updating much lately because the computer at the place I'm staying at sucks and takes forever to do the stupidest things.
10 minutes to open My Computer?! Fuck that! :P

Japan so far has been really awesome. Cool places, cool people. (Y)
(yoyoyooo woohoo Dokkyo rocks....I mean I ROCK<-fumimimuf)
ふみです。RichどんのBlogをジャック中。yay。むはははは(evil laugh)

I had lunch here and Fumi's been giving me the tour of the place. Apparently Fumi thinks it's really small.
I don't think it's that small...

My days here in Japan are numbered :(
I'm getting sad since I'm leaving so soon. poo.

I'll update everything that I did between then and now after I get back home.
One thing that I've taken for granted in Canada is my computer. I miss it :(

Fumi wants me to apply to a company in Japan so that I'll come back here. I'll see what's going on after I get home and see what's goin on...

So, until then.



Saturday, September 23, 2006


September 6 2006 1:30pm

Today we went to Odaiba a man made island in Tokyo.
This place is full of shopping, entertainment centers and home to the Fuji TV building.
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Odaiba has one of the biggest ferris wheels in the world.
It costs 900yen to ride... 900yen too rich for our blood.
It also has a miniature version of the Statue of Liberty for some reason :D
It also has a nice view of the Rainbow Bridge.


They also seem to have stolen a pylon from the Toronto Transit Commission. XD

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On the dock we got a really nice view of Rainbow Bridge and met many of these bugs. Some of them were fairly big and they moved around pretty fast.
We were trying to figure out which part of them was the head since both ends have antannae.
There's also a cafe called DOGCAFE SUNFISH. You can bring your dogs there and chill out. We weren't sure what sunfish were... We didn't really see any fish.
I later find out what sunfish look like and they definitely weren't there. They look made hilarious.

Aqua City

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Aqua City's a shopping center but doesn't really have an Aqua motif other than being close to a body of water.
Here's where I got acquainted with Rilakkuma: A laid back bear that makes up his own sound effects like "Bo~~" and "Waho~~". One of the many japanese made up cute things.
I love Rilakkuma.
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There was a small temple on the roof of Aqua City which was cool.
Notice the unopened beer can next to the shrine. It remains a mystery.
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We ate at a restaurant called Ootoya.
650yen (about $6.50cdn) for katsudon and soba. I couldn't finish. I love Ootoya.
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I also had my second experience with a 100en shop.
These places are AWESOME! Puts our canadian dollar stores to shame.
This place had miniature cans of various beverages. This is the beginning of Vivian's miniature can collection :D
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We checked out a bunch of small shops that sold random cool things.
Like these eye massage goggles that make you look like you're from the future and this funny pig lighter.
There was also a Gorilla figurine that you wound up and then it would practice onanism. (video will be up later ;D)

Mega Web

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Mega Web is a Toyota showroom that showcases various models. I did not see one car that I recognized.
You can also test drive one of the cars on the Ride One track for 300yen.
Mike chose a Crown to drive. It was really fancy with gps/tv and the back seats had massagers built in. It also had a console with many buttons. Many of which we had no clue what they did.

Venus Fort

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Inside Venus Fort are various shops.
There was a game center that had UFO catchers with totally weird prizes.
Hand bags, tape, exercise machine?
Venus Fort's ceiling has a faux sky that apparently changes throughout the day. We only experienced the sky you see in the pic though.
All shopping malls should have faux sky ceilings. It had a really nice atmosphere.


Apparently every wednesday it's "Lady's Day" in Tokyo as far as I know.
And in Odaiba that meant various discounts and free drinks at select restaurants if you were female.
At Ootoya, Fumi and Vivian got free unlimited access to their soft drink bar.
In other places in Tokyo you'll get discounted prices and whatnot on special days if you're female.


At certain busy times of the day they also have women only cars for the trains as well. This is in part due to Japan's groping problem or what is also known as "wandering hand syndrome."
However men get groped as well (although just a tiny fraction in comparison) but you don't see any men only cars.
There's also no "Men's Day" in Japan.