Friday, June 30, 2006

Photoshop is magic

The fun thing about taking digital pictures is editing them after you put em on your comp. -____-
I hate using flash and most digicams suck in low light conditions so most of my pictures come out like ass. You can salvage some of the "dark amorphous blob" pictures with a little post processing. However, sometimes that doesn't work and then you have to do a lot of post processing... I got through 2 pictures today... :(
Took these at Mike's sweetass place downtown which he no longer lives in since he got evicted... hahah just kidding, he got deported back to Korea XD

Here's the stuff I was working on:

xz and mike

mayu the tourist

So while I'm working on the pics my attention wanes and I get sidetracked (as usual) so I started messing around and made this:

Sin City style!


Monday, June 26, 2006

Let's play some softball

Although I originally wasn't, I ended up playing softball yesterday with the YK crew.

Things I should have done before playing:

  1. Get in shape
  2. Stretch
  3. Warmup
  4. Stretch
  5. Stretch
I threw out my arm on the first throw from outfield(it was beautiful) and a ball hit me on the chin from a grounder(got the out =D) :(

Our team ended up losing like 15-11? 20-12? 542-53? I got a little apathetic towards the end because I was tired. Everyone sorta was XD
Good times. (Y)
I'm all sore right now :( Running is overrated, jogging's where it's at.

One of these things is not like the other

Trying to stretch out my thrown out arm

I look so weird

So much dust

Ruby flying a kite


Friday, June 23, 2006

Video: Football Training

Korea's out :(


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Video: G.I Joe Street Fighter II

You know 'em. You love 'em. SO CORRECT THEM!

Old commercials kick ass!

I wonder how much those people holding the action figures and hitting those little planks of wood to make the vehicles go flying to emulate them blowing up got paid. Is there a course you can take for it? Action Figure Manipulation 101?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

China exporting pollution

Poor Japan... They lose to Australia in the last 8 minutes and they're getting farted on by China.
Apparently Korea gets yellow snow because of the sand from the Gobi desert too.
And did you know that the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in China?

This is also pretty crazy

RongXian, Guangxi province, China

Although it seems like every country exports their pollution somewhere else... US exports to Europe, Europe to Asia etc etc... Keeps going round and round

I could talk more about the subject but it would probably make this post way too long... So I leave you with this pictorial analogy of how I feel about this subject.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Video: Humans!

Poor planets :(
Made by threeleggedlegs


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weenie Roaster

Weenie Roaster
Perfect gift for the summer season!