Wednesday, June 14, 2006

China exporting pollution

Poor Japan... They lose to Australia in the last 8 minutes and they're getting farted on by China.
Apparently Korea gets yellow snow because of the sand from the Gobi desert too.
And did you know that the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in China?

This is also pretty crazy

RongXian, Guangxi province, China

Although it seems like every country exports their pollution somewhere else... US exports to Europe, Europe to Asia etc etc... Keeps going round and round

I could talk more about the subject but it would probably make this post way too long... So I leave you with this pictorial analogy of how I feel about this subject.


Tinygrasshopper said...

I think I've always had a little bit of a global conscience... I just try not to think about it because it makes me depressed :(

Leave it to mario to get a point across =D

Anonymous said...


Dont mention about soccer...sigh
my optimistic thinking...
JP wins against both Brazil and Quroatia(?)
At least there are more possibilities than I master

So how's your life over there??
get ready to come to JP...
It's an ODER!=P

Anonymous said...

lol.. the last pic pretty much sums everything up. :D
booo china.. boo xz :P
work on the dvd
it's an 'oder' too!

Tinygrasshopper said...

Yes booooo XZ!
Everyone's odering me around :(

btw I haven't worked on the dvd since you left mike :O

Don't worry... I'll get it done... someday... ;D

Anonymous said...

i don't know what i should say, fact is fact i am not gonna change it. :'( mostly, devoloping countries always got some kind of this problems, it's really normal. but we do try our best to get better. plus i heard there are "some" developed countries EXPORT their garbage to china.but anyway, dammit rich, at least if you treat me like a friend you should change the topic to something like one of countries in the world i know is exporting polution. why do you have to put CHINA...even it's damn true.... i thought we were friends....errrrrrr..... no make me embarrassed.....before i was about to say congradulation to you and mk b/c of today's match(korean did really good job), but since both of you boo on me, qie forget it. boo you guys back twice!!