Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sleepless in Richmond Hill

I can't sleep right now so that means blog update!
Commence random mini updates!

More panoramic fun!

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This is the front entrance area of YorkU, otherwise known as "the commons". The far left is the beginning of the student center then starting from after that tree is York Lanes (our mini mall) then we have the commons and then those buildings on the right are like the art buildings... I don't really go there except to shortcut to another building on the other side.

Squashed Seagull
This is kinda gross but... meh. I was walking home one day and I saw this in the parking lot. You don't see this everyday. How did this happen! Birds can FLY! Did it die first and then get rolled over by a car? Or did a car get the jump on it and squash it before it could take off? Was it even a car that ran over it? It was uniformly the same thickness and I don't see tread marks... One of the many mysteries of the universe...
Also, you may be asking yourself "Who the hell takes pictures of squashed seagulls?"

Salt Lamp
I was playing around with my camera and took some pics of my salt lamp. The reason it's blue is because I had the camera set to negative, the original colour is orange.

Crazy Lights!
First pic was taken with a long exposure, walking and spinning around. I must have looked really stupid while taking this, good thing it was night and I don't think anyone saw me =D The rest were taken inside a car with the camera set to negative. The patterns are a combination of street lamps, street lights and car lights. They all came out pretty cool... Sorta like paintings. The first one looks like waves and the horizon. The second one looks like little guys doing jump kicks XD


Anonymous said...

hey Rich☻☺☻
Those pics look great!
I like the last3 pics♡
Did you take by your cell?

The bird one...
you know?Some birds get bored flying sometimes:P
and right now,Harry Potter is in the theatre!!!
Thatz why anything can happen..hihihi☜

Tinygrasshopper said...

Everything was taken with my digicam.

hahah I supposed anything CAN happen. poor seagull though... pancake seagull...

Anonymous said...

did you ever sleep????

Tinygrasshopper said...

I think i did end up sleeping?
I don't remember XD