Friday, December 30, 2005

Makin a cake and eating it too

I should have posted this a week ago
I've been getting really lazy lately... And my sleeping pattern is totally screwed.
I woke up at 8pm today @_@

Anyways, I helped make a cheesecake for the first time a week or so ago for Mayu's birthday at Sharon's house.


It looks like I'm deep in thought
There's snow on my hat because we sorta had a snowball fight before we got to Sharon's

Measuring crust mix

Butter + crust mix

Molten butter + crust mix. Looks delicious XD

M-I-X the crust mix into the bowl! That's me mixing the stuff with my hands... felt... nice... XD

Mixing mixing

Mixing the cake batter

More mixing

Pouring cake batter

I don't know why it looks purple... It looks cool but it was really redish like normal.

Looks delicious!


~40 mins later... DONE!

Which leads us to last saturday.
Mayu's birthday at Viv's place. We had a korean bbq style lunch and a secret santa thing.
I originally was planning on boycotting the secret santa since i found out about it the day before but Mike and I went to go buy drinks at centrepoint mall and decided to pick something up.
It was a cd case thingy. I got a scarf from H&M from one of viv's friends yay. (Y)
Mayu's present was some expensive lingerie that vivian picked up from somewhere @_@

Mike's facial expression is awesome! :O

Sitting around

Various kinds of cookables

Cookin meat

More meat!

More meat cookin!

Another shot of various food

Mike poking his best friend Douglas

Mayu makin out with Douglas. She's actually suckin the helium out of Douglas. It didn't really work :(

First part of Mayu's present

Mayu loves it!

Second part of the present. Takahiro(Mayu's bf) looks so happy! XD

Third part of the present

This is what the cheesecake looked like. It tasted good!

Secret Santa

Whoops, I forgot some pics from my phone. I like being pleasently surprised when i check my camera and find pics that I didn't take. =D
I think sharon took all of these.

XZ looks like Sadako from the Ring XD

Adam... yeah...

Me being blinded by my phone.
See below for explanation


Hangin out

Weee sparkler fun

I look so stupid happy XD

End of the lightshow

Haruko happy

Viv happy

My phone has a built in "flash" for the camera and it doubles as a pretty powerful flashlight.
The thing is, with normal cameras the flash "flashes" for a fraction of a second which doesn't make it so bad on the eyes. But my camera's "flash" has to be turned on prior to taking a picture so it's constant "flash" in your face.

Good for taking pictures of things in the dark.
Bad for taking pictures of anything with eyes.

This is what you see with no flash

This is what the flash looks like when my camera adjusts for the brightness of the light

THIS is what it looks like in actuality.
Is that the flash of Rich's camera phone or a nuclear explosion? I dunno!! :O


Anonymous said...

WHY! why everytime the pics you took of me, gives me nothing but pain (mad) last time i felt embarrassing in front of ppl ,this time ... do i really look like her!!
I HATE YOU, rich!!

Tinygrasshopper said...

Why! You look cool! =D
Sadako is cool!!

mumu said...

The Viv's photo is so funny.
It's like one of those cheesy 'ME SO HAPPY YAY! *V*' pics.

Anonymous said...

you're a funny one =P

....HI RICH!!! haha