Friday, February 10, 2006

Beaches are made out of fish poo

Here's a conversation I had while eating pho today

Fumi: Those lights probably aren't good for the eyes *points to flashing light things in pho restaurant*
Me: Yeah... epilepsy
Fumi: ........................................................................... THAT'S A GOOD ONE
Oh Fumi, you're so funny! XD

Then later on, I somehow started talking about how those white sand beaches are made out of fish poo. I was saying how there were these fish that eat coral and then it gets processed and later on gets pooed out by the fish and that's what makes up the sand on the beaches.

I think some people are still skeptical about it, so I dug up the movie and my boy David Attenborough backs me up on it. They're called humphead parrotfish and they look mad hilarious.

So the next time you're on a nice tropical beach doing various activities such as:

  • enjoying the way the sand feels between your toes
  • getting buried up to the neck in sand
  • making a sand castle
  • playing beach volleyball
  • frolicking around on the sand with your significant other
remember that you're doing all this on tons and tons of fish poo. ;)


Anonymous said...

the fish look gross!
ah well...
so they don't come out to the sand and poo huh...

Anonymous said...

are they shitting just as they go along?? LOL that's hilarious..

Anonymous said...

to me, ocean is the most horrible place. since i was little, i've seldom watch tv programme about ocean or ocean creatures.
beach is okie with me, i will enjoy those fish pooooo~!

Anonymous said...

well, if animal poo makes soil...

then fish poo making sand seems COMPLETELY logical...

Aristotle would be *proud*

really nice eye Rich ;)))

Anonymous said...

how dare you post that!?
grrr. lol

I learnt a lesson...
dont pretend that you know what you dont...
(1st grade lesson)lol

anyway fish poo...
sigh sigh sigh
It was really comfy...