Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Stop Chicago

Dunno how often I'll be able to update my blog.
The community computer here really sucks. Slow, full of spyware and has a crazy japanese keyboard that makes it hard to type :(

I'm staying at a place near near Ueno station (bout 20min walk). Today I went to Odaiba. Tomorrow I'm going to Shinjuku. Pics and stuff will have to wait til I get more time and resources.

Here's a backlogged blog.

Sept 4 2006 1030ish

Mom has been freaking out for the past few days. I'm glad to be airborn and moving farther away from the craziness.
My plane experience so far has been pretty uneventful, which I consider good. I've been to the airport a few times before but I've never been on a plane (that I can remember). Today I uncovered the secrets of what goes on behind the ticket checkpoint. My strategy so far is to keep walking until someone stops you. Then I ask what they need.
Passport and tickets? Here you go. Put my bag on this conveyor belt? Okay.
So far I haven't really freaked out. I'm usually bad with things I've never done before (Took me about a year to get relatively comfortable with public transportation). I think it's because I haven't slept yet. Good job.

Hmmm... 14D. Assigned seats? My sister and mom are liars! They told me that it's usually first come first serve?
Aisle seat. Shit. I wanted a window seat :( Atleast it's a short flight.
The seat beside me is empty and some woman has the window.

So far my plane take off experience feels like the beginning of a roller coaster. I feel various clunks and kachunks coming from the bottom of the plane.
The plane feels like a large bus on the ground.
Where's the runway? We've been positioning and repositioning for about 15 mins. Each time we stop I'm thinking we're about to take off.
The woman beside me is napping.

After taking the longest possible route, we're finally on the runway. Exciting!
The flight's been delayed for 11 mins. Not exciting!

We finally begin take off procedures. The plane gradually accelerates and I sink into my seat. This is nothing compared to Eva's crazy driving when she's in a rush.
My ears pop. I'm constantly looking outside.
The woman is still napping.

The sun reflecting off the clouds make them blindingly bright. I can no longer look outside.

The stewardess asks if I would like something to drink. My brain wants coffee. My stomach says no deal. I'll have some iced tea. No iced tea? Fine, orange juice...
Actually, I'm not even really thirsty. But it's free and I'm on an airplane :D
I sip away gleefully at my cup of special airplane orange juice (aka McCains orange juice from concentrate).

My left ear keeps popping. TOC toc TOC toc TOC toc... Brain farts?

The plane's landing isn't as smooth as the take off but it's nothing to freak out over.

Welcome to Chicago!


mumu said...

Good job Richard! Did you bring gum for landing/take off? Forgot to tell you about that. @_@" It helps with the popping of your ear - I just typoed ear as eye... I hope your eye didn't pop on the plane.

It took a year to get comfortable using public transport? @_@" Whacha mean? It mostly goes up and down on a straight road here doesn't it? Or am I missing something. ._."

Oh and about the seat thing. It is kinda first come first serve. A lotta people don't end up showing for their flights so if you're early enough you just sit where you want. If someone does come and you're in their seat then you just move but otherwise sit wherever the hell you want. Or at least that's just what my family does. @_@"
You are lucky to be free from the clutches of stupid YorkU. ;o; Jealousssssy.

Tinygrasshopper said...

I usually freak out over stuff I haven:t done before. The actual bus ride is fine but the whole process of paying and dinging the thing and not knowing the stops gets me nervous.

but then i get used to it eventually and get comfortable with it.

isn:t most of the plane full though?
you:ll probably have to end up moving anyways.

I only noticed 1 empty seat on the way to chicago. the one beside me.

york was okay (Y). memoriiiies =P

mumu said...

Oh yah if its a bus I've never ridden before I always get nervous about missing my stop and having to walk a block or two and then ending up late. -_- I hate being late. Thats why I always turn up like 30 mins early cause I freak out that I won't make it in time haha.

And nooooo the plane is usually missing passengers... at least from my experiences.

What memories have ye of York? You weren't there most of the time. You'd be at home sleeping. -_-"